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I declare that I have read and understood the Privacy Policy made pursuant to Reg. (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), authorizing the processing and the communication of personal data provided for the Primary Purposes. I explicitly consent to the processing and communication of any particular data supplied, even during subsequent contacts, within the limits, with the methods and for the purposes indicated in the information itself.
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read the General Rules page
Marketing Terms
I authorize RS1AUTO. (the "Company") to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of Marketing and customer loyalty referred to in paragraph 6.1, lett. b) that is, for sending, even with a periodic nature (eg newsletters), advertising material, direct sales, commercial and promotional communication, including the sending of communications relating to vehicles, goods, services , accessories, own or third-party products, competitions, events and initiatives promoted by the Company, by Manufacturers or by third-party commercial partners, the elaboration of studies, research, market statistics and the conduct of surveys, surveys, surveys both by telephone that by electronic means of communication, realized directly by the Company or through specialized external companies. The Company may also proceed with the detection of the degree of customer satisfaction with the products and / or services offered so as to improve their quality, directly or through the work of specialized companies, through personal or telephone interviews, sending questionnaires or other similar shapes. Unless I have a different preference, this can be done either through traditional methods of contact, such as sending paper mail and phone calls with an operator, or through automated contact mode and, therefore, through the use of automated call systems, communication call without the intervention of an operator or via e-mail, fax, MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) or SMS (Short Message Service) messages, instant messaging systems (including in-car systems, if supported by the vehicle ), chat rooms, social networks or other types of IT platforms and tools. I am aware that my opposition to the use of Automated Contact Mode also automatically extends to the Traditional ones, except for the possibility of exercising this right only in part (for the Automated Mode only or some of them), with the methods better specified in information. I am aware that, in the absence of my consent, the aforementioned services or services cannot be rendered.
Personal Data
I authorize RS1AUTO (the "Company") to process my personal data for the Profiling Purposes referred to in paragraph 6.1, lett. c) of the Information, consisting in identifying preferences, tastes, habits, needs and consumption choices by processing personal data such as, by way of example but not limited to: personal data and residence / geographical area; family status; age; profession; degree of education; data provided through the forms on the Company's websites; data relating to any registration on the Company's websites; data relating to the use of the Company's websites and, in the case of online shopping: goods or services purchased; consumption band; sustained spending level; etc .; active services; frequency of use; customer history; data of the vehicle (s) currently or in the past; additional information and preferences (eg hobbies); data derived from the use of the Company's App / social media; etc .. This allows the creation and definition of my profile, useful for processing market analysis and statistics, even with data in aggregate form or once rendered anonymously, to improve the products and services offered and make them more responsive to my needs ; furthermore, subject to the specific consent referred to in point 6.1, lett. b) (Marketing Purpose), profiling makes it possible to direct the activity of sending communications of a promotional, advertising or commercial nature, customizing them with the means indicated therein. This processing will be carried out directly by the Company or through specialized external companies. Personal data will be processed both individually and in aggregate and may be enriched, compared, cross-referenced and / or integrated over time with further data in legitimate possession of the Company. I am informed that any manifestation of consent for the purpose of Profiling necessarily involves the use of all the functions specifically provided for by the C.R.M. I am aware that, in the absence of my consent, the aforementioned services or services cannot be rendered.
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